Ways to Serve and Worship

Mission Cafe

Members of St. John’s have opportunities to sign up to host coffee hour in between services. It is a great way to meet new people and catch up with those you do know. If you like to bake (or not), this is a great way to share with the congregation. You do get to learn how to use our coffee makers as well. If you can help on a Sunday morning, please Click on this Sign Up Form.

Ushering for Services

The ushers greet each person with a smile and hand out bulletins. During the church service, the ushers gather the church offering and the Connection/Prayer Request Cards. Please email Art Schroeder our Head Usher to volunteer.

Greeter for Services

Would you like to be a greeter at either the 8:00 am or 10:45 am service? We are looking for smiling faces who are willing to say hello and welcome people to our church. You would need to be in the narthex at least 15 minutes before the start of the service. Please email Gary Mayor for more information.

Audio Visual

Members of the audio visual team help regulate the sound system, the projector, and livestreaming for the worship services. Please email Gintas Kriauciunas for more information.

Teach Sunday School or Bible Class

We are always looking for people who are willing to share their faith with others through teaching. It is a great opportunity to reach out to our children in Sunday School and also to continue to educate the adults in our congregation as well. Please email Dalyne Shinneman the Board of Parish Education and Family Life Chair for more information.

Assist with Vacation Bible School

Our Vacation Bible School program is a very inviting environment for children in our community to hear and learn about the Word of God in a fun and captivating way from our many volunteers here at St. John’s. There are many ways to volunteer for Vacation Bible School: Teach Lessons, Lead Worship, Class Helper, Games, Snacks, Technology, Songs, Crafts, and helping with Preschool: 3 & 4 year olds. Please email Dalyne Shinneman the Board of Parish Education and Family Life Chair for more information.

Altar Guild

The members of the Altar Guild serve by caring for, maintaining and preparing the sanctuary for worship, including setting out, cleaning and storing the communion vessels and linens. The Altar Guild hangs the appropriate paraments for the time and season of the church year and decorates the sanctuary for church seasons and festivals. Contact the Altar Guild by emailing the Church Office for more information.


Choir members enhance our worship with wonderful music which glorifies our God and leads the congregation in celebration of who our God is and what He has done for us in our lives. In addition, it is a great time to have fellowship with other members of the congregation in worship as well as at practices. Please email Christine Kirchenberg the Board of Worship Chair for more information.

Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir is an ensemble which practices and performs together to create joyful music to enhance worship at St. John’s. Members learn and practice a variety of techniques for playing the handbells and also learn about basic music concepts such as volume, rhythm, and tone. Please email Christine Kirchenberg the Board of Worship Chair for more information.

Nursery Help

Nursery help takes care of children during the worship service to help parents out. Please email Dalyne Shinneman the Board of Parish Education and Family Life Chair for more information.

Assist at seasonal events

There are many opportunities to serve at seasonal events here at St. John’s. Look for information in the narthex and listen for events to be announced at the end of the service for ways you can serve. Information is also posted in our Church Newsletter, the Mission.

Food Preparation

Perhaps you can’t help the day of an event but are willing to prepare food for the event and drop it off in our kitchen beforehand. Some events that need people to do this are our Pancake Breakfast, Lenten Dinners, and Potluck Dinners. Opportunities for helping with food prep are presented as needed in the Mission, on boards in the narthex and announced at services.