Small Groups & Bible Study Opportunities

Small Groups and Bible Study Opportunities are offered by St. John’s members to develop interaction among congregants, assist members in growing their faith and provide services to the community.

GARDEN ANGELS: If you enjoy gardening, please consider joining our working group. We meet April through October here at St. John’s with trowels in hand and gardening on our minds! There are several gardens we care for as we visit: the Church main entrance and driveway area, Door A, 47th and Brainard Ave., school main entrance, and the Courtyard. If you are interested, please email Lucy Christoffer.

GRIEFSHARE GROUP: Griefshare meets at St. John’s during the fall months.  The meeting dates are every Tuesday from September 10 to December 17 from 1:00-2:30 pm in the Heritage Room.  All people are welcome, not just members of St. John’s.  Griefshare is for people who are grieving the death of a family member or friend.  It has been a great blessing to many, as the environment is a warm and loving one, with no pressure to share. Participants find they are not alone and that there are others who understand what they are going through.  We call this “your journey from mourning to joy”.  More information can be found on the Griefshare Website  and you may email Marnie Smith for questions about this group.

LANGE GOLF GROUP: Each summer St. John’s plays golf on various weekday mornings at various area nine hole golf courses. We play from May to Sept. Members of the group will solicit players to fill out a tee time as the spirit moves them. Any golfer (male or female, young and young-at-heart) can become a member of the email distribution group.  Please email Rick Lange or call 708-710-9829 to be added to the group.

LWML — Lutheran Women’s Missionary League: Since 1942, the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League  (an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod), has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions. Our St. John’s Lutheran Church group meets on most 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:00PM, in the Heritage Room. All women, high school age and older, are very welcome to attend our meetings and become active members of this wonderful organization. If interested, please contact Pam Christensen for more information or drop in to one of our meetings.

MAYOR SMALL GROUP: The group meets on Thursday Nights at Gary and Nancy Mayor’s home at 7:00 pm. The current study is “The Book of Philippians. If interested please email Gary Mayor for more information.

MOMS’ BIBLE STUDY: The Mom’s Bible Study will meet intermittently at members’ homes, usually Fridays at 6:30pm. Our current study is God’s Wisdom for a Mother’s Heart by Bobbie Wolgemuth. Contact Rebecca for more details: 630-660-3602.

PARTNERS IN PRAYER: Paul’s command in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 which says “pray continually”, does not mean we should walk around with bowed heads and closed eyes and non-stop talking the entire day as that may cause more accidents than looking at cell phones! It does, however, direct us to surrender our every waking moment to Jesus with an awareness that God is with us and He is actively involved and engaged in our thoughts and actions. There has been a small group of brothers and sisters in Christ who have been meeting at St. Johns for the past three years on various Saturdays to pray. See the St. John’s Calendar page for dates. We would like to have you join us in this prayer time and grow with us as we “devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” (Colossians 4:2). Please email Vicki Wykert with questions.

PECE/SCHILTZ GROUP: The group meets on Mondays at 7pm on Zoom. We also try to meet in person for a social event once a month. Please email Rebecca Schiltz or email Katie Pece for more information.

PICKLEBALL:  Interested in playing or learning the fastest growing sport of pickleball? Come join us for an evening of fun exercise on Thursdays, from 6:30 – 8:30PM, in St. John’s Gym. Questions ?? Contact Liz Willig 708 533-5912.

SHINNEMAN GROUP: The Shinneman group is meeting on Sundays, at 6 p.m. Our group is currently studying the video series: Surprised By Suffering. All are welcome to join us! Please email Dana and Dalyne Shinneman or call 630.230.0688 for more information.

WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY: Come be a part of Pastor Sol’s Bible Study.  The study meets in the Heritage Room at 9:00am on Wednesdays.


St. John’s is looking for additional topics, additional meeting times, and additional leaders for our small group ministry. If you have an idea for a Small Group, or want to offer to lead a group, please email the Church Office. There are church resources for topics available.